
SR800X600 NA YES Selects the 800 x 600 scan rate
SR854x480 NA YES Selects the 854 x 480 scan rate
SR1024X768 NA YES Selects the 1024 x 768 scan rate
SR1024x1024 NA YES Selects the 1024 x 1024
scan rate
SR1280x720 NA YES Selects the 1280 x 720 scan rate
SR1280X768 NA YES Selects the 1280 x 768 scan rate
SR1280X1024 NA YES Selects the 1280 x 1024
scan rate (PFP-11 only)
SR1366x768 NA YES Selects the 1366 x 768
scan rate (PFP-11 only)
SR1366x1024 NA YES Selects the 1366 x 1024
scan rate (PFP-11 only)
SR480P NA YES Selects the 480p scan rate
SR540P NA YES Selects the 540p scan rate
SR600P NA YES Selects the 600p scan rate
SR720P NA YES Selects the 720p scan rate
!STORE NA YES Stores the current set of values
(all values) into non-volatile
!RESTORE NA YES Restores the stored values
!FACTORY NA YES Restores all values to factory
default levels
!STATUS NA NA Asks the 4404 to provide the
hardware information, current
values and system status to the
automation system
!RESTART NA NO Restarts the 4404
(same as turning it on and off)
!ECHO NA NO Enables the 4404 to echo back
commands and values to the
automation system
!NOECHO NA NO Disables the 4404's character
!INSTALLMODEOFF NA NA Disables the Installation menu
(removes it from the main menu)
!INSTALLMODEON NA NA Enables the Installation menu
(enables it on the main menu)
!MODEL NA NA Makes the front panel display
the model number
!PANELTEST NA NA Makes the front panel display a
test sentence