Listening through a Receiver
You can listen to sound through a receiver instead of the TV speaker.
1 Press the MENU button to display the menu.
Input, then press the ENTER button.
2 Pressthe▲or▼buttontoselectAnynet
(HDMI-CEC), then press the ENTER
3 Pressthe▲or▼buttontoselectReceiver, then press the ENTER button.
4 Pressthe◄or►buttontoselecttoOn, then press the ENTER button.
Now you can listen to sound through the receiver.
5 Press the EXIT button to exit.
When the receiver is set to On, you can listen to the TV sound through the 2-channel
If the receiver is exclusively for a home theater only (supporting audio only), it may
not appear in the device list.
Only when you have connected the optical jack of the TV and the receiver properly, does Receiver work.
In case of a content with copyright problems, listening through the receiver may not properly operate.
Check Points before Requesting Service
Symptom Solution
does not work. ■ CheckifthedeviceisanAnynet
device. The Anynet
supports Anynet
devices only.
■ Connectonlyonereceiver.
■ CheckiftheAnynet
device power cord is properly connected.
Check the Anynet
device’s Video/Audio/HDMI cable connections.
■ CheckwhetherAnynet
(HDMI-CEC) is set to On in the Anynet
setup menu.
■ CheckwhethertheTVremotecontrolisinTVmode.
■ CheckwhetheritisAnynet
exclusive remote control.
■ Anynet
doesn’t work at a certain condition. (Searching channels)
■ WhenconnectingorremovingtheHDMIcable,pleasemakesure
to search devices again or restart your TV.
■ CheckiftheAnynet
Function of Anynet
device is set on.
I want to start Anynet
. ■ CheckiftheAnynet
device is properly connected to the TV and
check if the Anynet
(HDMI-CEC) is set to On in the Anynet
Setup menu.
■ PresstheTV button on the TV remote control to switch to TV.
Then press the TOOLS button to show the Anynet
menu and
select a menu you want.
I want to exit Anynet
. ■ SelectView TV in Anynet
■ PresstheSOURCE button on the TV remote control and select a
device other than Anynet
■ PressanyofP, CH LIST, and PRE-CH to change to the
TV mode. (Note that the channel button operates only when a
tuner-embedded Anynet
device is not connected.)
The message Connecting to
device… appears
on the screen.
■ Youcannotusetheremotecontrolwhenyouareconfiguring
or switching to a view mode.
■ UsetheremotecontrolwhentheAnynet
setting or switching to
view mode is complete.
The Anynet
device does
not play.
■ YoucannotusetheplayfunctionwhenPlug&Playisinprogress.
The connected device is not
■ CheckwhetherornotthedevicesupportsAnynet
■ CheckwhetherornottheHDMIcableisproperlyconnected.
■ CheckwhetherAnynet
(HDMI-CEC) is set to On in the Anynet
setup menu.
■ SearchAnynet
devices again.
■ YoucanconnectanAnynet
device using the HDMI cable only.
Some HDMI cables may not support Anynet
The TV programme cannot
be recorded.
■ Checkwhethertheantennajackontherecordingdeviceis
properly connected.
The TV sound is not output
through the receiver.
■ ConnecttheopticalcablebetweenTVandthereceiver.
View TV
Select Device
Menu on Device
Device Operation
Receiver :On
TV P 1
BN68-01416D-Eng.indb 45 2008-2-29 15:29:50