USB Host Specifications
USB Host Specification
• Supports USB 1.1 or USB 2.0 compliant devices.
• Supports devices connected using the USB A type cable.
• Supports UMS (USB Mass Storage Device) V1.0 compliant devices.
• Supports the device of which the connected drive is formatted in the FAT(FAT,
FAT16, FAT32) file system.
Does not support a device that requires installing a separate driver on the PC (Windows).
• Does not support connection to a USB hub.
A USB device that is connected using the USB extension cable may not be recognized.
• A USB device requiring a separate power source needs to be connected to the
player with the separate power connection.
Operational Limitations
• If the connected device has multiple drives (or partitions) installed, only one drive
(or partition) can be connected.
• A device supporting USB 1.1 alone may cause a difference in the picture quality,
depending on the device.
USB Devices that can be used with the Home Theater
USB Storage Device1.
MP3 Player2.
Digital Camera3.
Removable HDD4.
Removable HDDs equipped with less than 160 Gbytes are supported. Removable HDDs •
equipped with 160Gbytes or more may not be recognized, depending on the device.
If the connected device does not work due to insufficient power supply, you can use a separate •
power cable to supply power so that it can work properly. The connector of the USB cable may
differ, depending on the manufacturer of the USB device.
USB card Reader: One slot USB card reader and Multi slot USB card reader.5.
Depending on the manufacturer. the USB card reader may not be supported.•
If you install multiple memory devices into a multi card reader, you may experience problems.•
Compliant File Formats
Format File name
Bit rate Version Pixel
Still Picture
JPG JPG .JPEG – – 640x480 –
MP3 .MP3 80~384kbps – – 44.1kHz
WMA .WMA 56~128kbps V8 – 44.1kHz
WMV .WMV 4Mbps V1,V2,V3,V7 720x480 44.1KHz~48KHz
DivX .AVI,.ASF 4Mbps
DivX5.1, XviD
720x480 44.1KHz~48KHz
CBI (Control/Bulk/Interrupt) is not supported.•
Digital Cameras that use PTP protocol or require additional program installation when connected to a •
PC are not supported.
A device using NTFS file system is not supported. (Only FAT 16/32 (File Allocation Table 16/32) file •
system is supported.)
Does not operate with Janus enabled MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices.•