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Burst Length (BL)
Hosts must follow burst length set by BL when reading data in synchronous burst read.
1) For normal synchronous burst read, setting BL=000 (continuous) will read 1K words, depending on the number of clocks. In using Synchronous Burst Block
Read, setting BL=000 (continuous) will read the amount of data in a block set by number of page register.
2) Even in using Synchronous Burst Block Read, it is possible to use above burst length by setting BL register by following the above table.
Burst Length (BL) Information[11:9]
Error Correction Code (ECC) Information[8]
RDY Polarity (RDYpol) Information[7]
INT Polarity (INTpol) Information[6]
BL Burst Length(Main) Burst Length(Spare)
000 Continuous(default)
001 4 words
010 8 words
011 16 words
100 32 words N/A
101 1K words (Block Read Only) N/A
110~111 Reserved
Item Definition Description
BL Burst Length
Specifies the size of the burst length during a synchronous
linear burst read and wrap around. And also burst length during a
synchronous linear burst write
Item Definition Description
ECC Error Correction Code Operation
0 = with correction (default)
1 = without correction (bypassed)
Item Definition Description
RDYpol RDY signal polarity
1 = high for ready (default)
0 = low for ready
INTpol INT bit of Interrupt Status Register INT Pin output
0 (busy) High
1 (ready) Low
1 (default)
0 (busy) Low
1 (ready) High