4-2-10. If Pantry Panel PCB is not working normally
You should check the display after door opening because the display of this model operates only
when the fresh food compartment door is opened.
Does fresh food
compartment door switch
operate normally?
Is the connector of
pantry room in fresh food
compartment inserted
Connector (CN51), CN79
inserted correctly?
Is signal of
Is the lighting
operated when replace Pantry
Is a key pressed
Is the PCB system
still operated by separating
of the mechanism?
Is the lighting operated
after replacing the Pantry
Is a normal voltage
outputted from MAIN PCB IC51, CN79
during the key operating?
Check and repair the switch
* Refer to<how to repair door switch>
Reinsert Connector,
Repair bad contact
Reinsert connector in MAIN PCB
Check voltage/Replace MAIN PCB
Panel PCB itself has trouble.
Reassemble PCB ASS'Y /
Enforce the cancelation of
pressed keys
Reassemble PCB ASS'Y /
Enforce the cancelation of
pressed keys
Convertible compartment Panel
PCB itself has trouble.
Replace MAIN PCB
Check the short of MAIN
Panel wire
Check the wires of Pantry Room - disconnection, short between wires
Recheck the control circuit of MAIN PCB Pantry Panel
Check the wire assembling between Panel and MAIN
Check the wire of Pantry Room - disconnection, short
between wires
Check the short/open of the pantry panel lighting
circuit in MAIN PCB.
If Panel PCB Key is not selected
If Panel Key is not selected
If it is not repaired with the above basic checking method
Typical PCB Ground
REG1 Heater Sink
Checking method of voltage Based on
PCB typical Ground REG1 Heater Sink
1) Key voltage ; CN51#6"(Purple)
2) LED part voltage ; CN51-"1"(Yellow),
"2"(Pink),"3"(Orange) Voltage of CN51
is same as IC50 #14,#13,#12 voltage.
1) select(operating) (0V)
2) normal(about5.0V 0.5V)
- Display On (0.7V0.5V) - Display Off (11V1V)