Actual color may vary. Design, specifications, and color availability are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate.
©2011 Samsung Electronics America, Inc. 85 Challenger Road Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. Tel: 800-SAMSUNG www.samsung.com. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
Refrigerator: 18.1 cu. ft.
· Multi Air Flow
· 5 Tempered Glass Spill Proof Shelves
· 2 Clear Drawers and 1 Fresh Drawer
· 5 Clear Door Bins
- 1 Dairy Bin
- 3 Gallon Bins
- 1 Regular Bin
· Dual LED Tower Lighting
Freezer: 11.5 cu. ft.
· External Filtered Water and Ice Dispenser
- Crushed or Cubed Ice
· Automatic In-door Ice Maker
· 5 Glass Shelves
· 2 Clear Plastic Drawers
· 3 Clear Door Bins
· Dual LED Tower Lighting
Water Filter: HAF-CIN
One (1) Year All Parts and Labor
Five (5) Years Sealed System Parts and Labor
Product Dimensions + Weight
Dimensions: (WxHxD)
(without hinges): 35
⁄4" x 69" x 29
(with hinges): 35
⁄4" x 69
⁄2" x 29
(with handles): 35
⁄4" x 69
⁄2" x 36
Weight: 302 lbs / 137 kg
Shipping Dimensions + Weight
Dimensions: (WxHxD) 38
⁄4" x 74
⁄16" x 38
Weight: 341.7 lbs / 155 kg
Color Model # UPC Code
Stainless Steel RSG307AARS 036725560741
White RSG307AAWP 036725560758
Black RSG307AABP 036725560727
Stainless Platinum RSG307AAPN 036725560734
Installing your Refrigerator
1. Measure the height, width and depth of the opening, making sure to include baseboards,
molding tile, countertop overhang, etc. Check to be sure there is enough room to open the
door (consider walls, islands or other obstacles when measuring).
2. Refer to chart B below to determine dimensions.
3. Allow 2” of clearance on hinge side of refrigerator when installing next to a wall wherehandle
may make contact.
4. Allow 1” minimum clearance at rear for proper air circulation and water/electrical connections.
Allow a 3/8” minimum clearance at sides and top for ease of installation.
5. Ensure each door and entry way in the home is wide enough for the refrigerator to be moved
through easily.
Please note: The following dimension and cutout information is for planning purposes only. For
complete installation details consult manual packed with product, or download manual on-line
at samsung.com.
Measure Height
including ooring.
Be sure to allow
for hinge clearance
height if needed
Measure Width
Measure Depth
molding or trim
30 cu. ft. Side by Side Refrigerator
21 5/8" 29 7/8"
35 3/4"