Spinpoint M8U-Internal Product Manual REV 3.4
6.1 Introduction
A Samsung disk drive with an Embedded USB Interface fully supports and enhances PC mass storage
requirements. The Samsung USB interface conforms to the USB 2.0 standards in Cabling, in Physical Signals,
and in Logical Programming schemes. The Samsung Embedded USB controller joins the industry premiere
VLSI circuitry with ingenious programming skill that does not compromise performance or reliability.
Samsung integrates and delivers the cutting edge in technology. Samsung USB class disk drives are designed
to relieve and to enhance the I/O request processing function of system drivers.
Figure 6-1 shows how USB Interface construct.
Figure 6-1: Interlayer Communication Flow
Physical Interface Layer- The bottom layer is a bus interface that transmits and receives packets.
Protocol Layer - The middle layer handles routing data between the bus interface and various endpoints on
the device. An endpoint is the ultimate consumer or provider of data. It may be thought of as a source or sink
for data.
Data Transfer Layer - The top layer is the functionality provided by the serial bus device, for instance, a
mouse or ISDN interface.
6.2 Physical Interface
The physical interface of the USB is described in the mechanical and electrical specifications for the bus.