Setting the ALARM / RELAY Out
(1) Connect the alarm sensor to another device according to the ‘Chapter 3 Connecting to Instruments’.
The alarm level of the alarm terminal 1~4 is the following.
● Normal condition : TTL High Level (DC 5V)
● Alarm : TTL Low Level (DC 0V)
(2) If the alarm is set off the SNS-110 sends video images connected to alarm terminal 1~4, by E-mail or
to the FTP server on a set time gap. 5 frames for E-mail and 999 frames for FTP can be transferred,
and the E-mail with preset messages and video images can also be transferred.
(3) In the Administration Mode this settings window will be seen with a click on the "Alarm/Relay" icon.
(4) Status
The present status on the Relay Out terminal of the reverse side of the SNS-110. The toggle shaped
"Turn On/Off" button is used to control the external device connected to the Relay Out terminal.
(5) Sender
In order to send alarm messages and video images by E-mail, the E-mail address must be entered so
as to identify the sender. If the E-mail address is invalid the alarm messages and the video images
may not be sent as wanted.
Please, set the valid e-mail address of SNS-110 administrator at e-mail the ‘sender’.