SATO CX Series Printer
Special Notes
1. This command is affected by the <ESC>L Character
Expansion command, (See page 21). The character pitch
is actually the product of the current horizontal expan-
sion multiple and the designated pitch value.
2. Example:<ESC>L0304<ESC>P03
Pitch = (03) x (03) = 9 dots
3. To avoid confusion, you may want to include the
<ESC>L Character Expansion command and this com-
mand together in your program.
4. This command affects fonts U, S, M, XU, XS, XM, OA &
OB, (See page 33), and fonts WB, WL, XB and XL, (See
page 35).
5. Character Pitch will always revert to the default value
unless it is specified before each new font command in
the data stream.
6. This command also affects Codabar and Code 39 bar