Unit 1: PCL Emulation
Page 1-14 SATO D512 PCL Programming Manual
Note: For the commands listed in the following table, font selection is based on all
parameters set following the best fit selection rules.
Table 1-8: Font Selection
Command / Parameters Function / Result
(# (primary)
)# (secondary)
# = symbol set ID
Select Symbol Set
See Table 9-2 for the symbol sets which are supported.
(s#P (primary)
)s#P (secondary)
0 Fixed (Default)
1 Proportional
Select Spacing
Selects a font with proportional or fixed spacing.
(s#H (primary)
)s#H (secondary)
# = characters per inch
Default = 10
Select Pitch
Selects the number of characters per inch (cpi) for a fixed-space
bitmapped or monospaced scalable font. Valid to 2 decimal places.
Note: Pitch is not needed for proportional spaced fonts.
(s#V (primary)
)s#V (secondary)
# = height in points (.25 to 999.75)
Default = 12
Height (Select Point Size)
Sets the font height in points. Valid to 2 decimal places.
Note: Point size is not needed for monospaced fonts. For fonts larger
than 12 points, it may be necessary to change the line spacing.
(s#S (primary)
)s#S (secondary)
0 Upright (Default)
1 Italic
4 Condensed
5 Condensed Italic
8 Compressed
24 Expanded
32 Outline
64 Inline
128 Shadowed
160 Outline Shadowed
Select Style
Identifies the physical traits of a character and the composition of the
font symbols.
Note: You can only use this command to select fonts currently available
in the printer. It cannot alter the appearance of the available fonts.