Unit 4: Printer Configuration
GL408-412e Operator Manual
4-49 PN: 9001163A
Is typically for a line-printer and should not normally be enabled. Is used for legacy applications
which interpret the 8th data bit line as a PI signal.
• Enable - factory default. The PI line is not passed directly from the host to printer; all 8 bits
are used for data bits. Characters in the Hex 80 to FF range can be accessed.
• Disable - when the PI line is enabled, data bit 8 internsionally indicates PI line status. To use
the PI line, disable data bit 8 and enable the Host PI configuartion option (under PI Ignored
Paper Instruction Ignored. This signal is used to control vertical paper motion.
• Enable - factory default. Ignores the PI signal and treats the data as characters or control
• Disable - causes the printer to interpret the eight data lines as VFU commands when the PI
signal is true.
This parameter must be set to match the response polarity of the host computer.
• Standard - factory default. Does not expect the host computer to invert data.
• Inverted - expects the data received on the data lines from the host computer to be inverted.
One become zeros and vice versa.
Response Polarity. This parameter must be set to match the response polarity of the host
• Standard - factory default. Does not invert the response to the host computer.
• Inverted - inverts the response signal sent to the host computer.
The strobe signal tells the printer when to look for data on the data lines. The printer can either be
set to assert a busy signal after each data byte or after the printer’s buffer has filled.
• Enable - factory default. Asserts a busy signal after each character is received.
• Disable - asserts a busy signal only when the print buffers are full.
Specifies whether the data is read on the leading or trailing edge of the data strobe signal.
The options are Leading and Trailing. Leading is the factory default.
Is a normally low signal on the parallel port. When initiated, it is designed to reset the parallel port
and clear the printer buffer.
• Disable - factory default. No action when the signal is initiated by the host.
• Enable - reboots interface and clears the printer buffer when the signal is asserted.
Top-Of-Form Action. When enabled, the printer will feed out the job in process when the prime
signal is activated through the Centronics interface. If disabled, the job in process may be
Regardless of this menu, the prime signal will also reset the printer.
This menu configures the amount of memory allocated for the serial port buffer. The range is 1 to
16 Kbytes in 1 kbyte increments.
Note: If a baud rate 19200 or greater is selected, the Buffer Size in K parameter may need to be
increased from the default to 16 Kbytes to improve performance.
The factory default is 16.
Data Bit 8
PI Ignored
Data Polarity
Resp. Polarity
Busy on Strobe
Latch Data On
Prime Signal
TOF Action
Buffer Size in K