Unit 6: Maintenance
LM408-412e Operator Manual
6-11 PN: 9001155A
The printer has two ribbon spindles; one to supply ribbon medium from the rear of the printer past the print head to
the spindle closest to the front for the purposes of rewinding the used medium. The rewind spindle is coupled to the
drive train and draws the ribbon medium forward incrementally with the print media (label/tag) comparable with
gearing ratios.
For a proper function, the spindles must be individually adjusted with the correct drag. Drag is the resistance to the
advancement of the medium and is controlled by increasing or decreasing frictional tension to rotational
movement. A torsion spring takes up excess slack in the ribbon medium during backfeed movement of the print
The following procedure explains how to adjust the ribbon spindles without the use of a tension gage. The
procedure is the same for both, however, the tension requirements are different.
To tension adjust the ribbon spindles without the use of a tension gage, perform the following.
1 Open the right housing cover to access the ribbon spindle assemblies.
2 Loosen the set screw while holding the adjustment nut stationary.
3 Turn the adjustment nut in a manner to achieve the required space between the ribbon boss and the stopper
collar (supply spindle: 3.5 to 3.0, rewind spindle: 3.0 to 2.0 mm).
4 Hold the adjustment nut in position and secure set screw.
5 Repeat 2 through 4 for the remaining spindle.
Figure 6-8, Ribbon Spindle Tensioning
NOTE: The tension requirement for the supply spindle is 400-500 grams and 500-700
grams for the rewind spindle should a tension gage not be available.
NOTE: A complete revolution of the adjustment nut equals approximately 1 mm
(100g). Likewise, a half revolution equals .5 mm (50g).
Collar Set ScrewAdjustment NutRibbon Boss
Metric Scale