EXa Expand Memory Area. Expands the memory area used by the printer
to image the label.
a = 0 Return to using internal printer RAM
1 Use Memory Card in Slot 1
2 Use Memory Card in Slot 2
Page 4-83
Store Custom Graphics. Stores a graphic image in the memory card
to be called later for printing on a label.
a = Specifies format of data stream to follow
B Binary
H Hexadecimal
bbb = Number of horizontal 8 x 8 blocks (001-248)
ccc = Number of vertical 8 x 8 blocks
(001-267 for 7" label)
dd = Graphics storage number (01-99)
ee...e = Data to describe the graphic image
Page 4-9
GRcc Recall Custom Graphics. Recalls for printing the graphic image
stored by the GI command.
cc = Storage number (01-99)
Page 4-89
Store PCX Graphics File. Stores a PCX graphic file.
aa = Storage number (01-99)
bbbbb= Number of bytes in the file to be stored.
Page 4-93
PYaa Recall PCX Graphics File. Recalls a PCX graphics file.
aa = The storage number assigned to the file (01-99)
Page 4-92
Recall Format/Field. To recall a field from a format previously stored
in the memory card.
aa = Number of format to be recalled (01 to 99)
bb = Number of field to be recalled (01-99)
cc...c = Data to be placed in field.
Page 4-87
Store Format/Field. To store a field in a format in the memory card.
aa = Format number
bb = Field number (01-99)
cc = Number of characters in the field
Page 4-88
*abb Clear Card Memory. Clears individual memory and buffer areas.
a = Memory section to be cleared
G SATO graphicfiles (01-99)
P PCX graphic file (01-99)
F Stored formats (01-99)
O TrueType fonts, memory card (01-09)
bb = Storage number
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Appendix A: Command Quick Reference