Unit 7: Appendix
S8400 Series Operator Manual
7-20 PN: 9001160B
Factory Programming
Relative to RFID, the programming of information into a tag occurring as part of the
manufacturing process resulting in a read-only tag.
Field Programming
In RFID, programming that usually occurs before the tag is installed on the object to be
identified enabling the introduction of data relevant to the specifics of the application. However,
the tag would typically have to be removed from its object.
Field Protection
In RFID, the ability to limit the operations that can be performed on portions of data fields
stored in a tag.
Fillet To round off the sharp edges of the angle.
Flange The projecting rim of an object used to keep another object or objects in place.
Flash Memory
A form of rewritable memory chip that allows multiple memory locations to be erased or written
in one programming operation. Flash Memory is very high-speed and non-volatile - does not
need power to maintain the stored information. Its information is stored in an array of floating
gate transistors called “cells”.
Font A type or style of letter or numeral characters used in written text.
The number of times a signal executes a complete excursion through its maximum and
minimum values and returns to the same value. The number of vibration cycles.
Gap Media
Print media with a space between each label where only the paper backing exists. The
printer’s sensor uses this “gap” to identify when the printed label ends and to properly position
the next label for printing.
A unit of measurement used to describe the nominal thickness of wire. The higher the gauge
number, the smaller the diameter.
A system of toothed wheels meshed together so that the motion of one is passed on to the
Gigabytes Used to describe data transfer rates or storage capacity of 1 billion bytes.
Groove An elongated slot cut into an object.
Radio waves or other electromagnetic radiation resulting from oscillations of electricity in a
conductor. Also the measurement of those oscillations.
A numbering system composed of six letters (A-F) and ten numbers (0-9) used to condense
binary numbers.
Hex Screw
A threaded rod having a flanged head that is comprised of six sides - a type of hardware used
to attach two or more objects.
In engineering: a recess that does not penetrate completely through as a bore or orifice. Term
may be casually used in lieu of a bore or orifice.
Horizontal On a level plane ninety-degrees from vertical.
(Hertz) Radio waves or other electromagnetic radiation resulting from oscillations of electricity
in a conductor. Also the measurement of those oscillations.
Icon An image or picture that has a specific meaning.
I.D. Filter In RFID, software that compares a newly read ID with those in a database or set.
Idle Gear A toothed wheel that is not directly driven, but instead receives motion from another.
Idle Roller
A non-toothed wheel that is not driven - in the case of printers, it is typically used to provide
tension on a timing belt. Also referred to as “tension roller”.
Illuminate To give or emit light.
Inductive Coupling
In RFID, systems that use the inducing of a current in a coil as a means of transferring data or
Intermittent Stopping and starting again at intervals.
In-Use Programming The ability to read from, and write to, an RFID tag while attached to its object.
Junction A place or point of joining or crossing.
Kinetic The science dealing with the motion of masses in relation to the forces acting on them.