LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007 111
Description The Counters function is used to upcount or downcount pulses. The smart relay has
16 timers, numbered from 1 to 9 then from A to G.
The Counters function can be reset to zero or to the preset value (depending on the
chosen parameter) during use.
It may be used as a contact to find out whether:
z The preset value has been reached (upcounting mode TO),
z The counter has reached 0 (downcounting FROM).
Use of Coils Each timer has 3 associated coils:
z Coil CC: Counting Pulse Input,
z Coil RC: Reset Initial Counter State Input,
z Coil DC: Counting Direction input.
The use of these coils is described below.
Counting pulse input:
Symbol of the Counting Pulse Input coil of a timer:
When used as a coil in a control diagram, this element represents a counting input
for the function. Every time the coil is energized, the counter is incremented or
decremented by 1 according to the counting direction chosen.
Input counting pulses delivered by counter no. 1.
Every time input I1 is energized, the counter no. 1 is incremented by 1.
I1 CC1