Cable Assembly
22. Refer to the CABLE DIAGRAMS on pages 27
and 28 as you assemble the cables and to
identify the cables.
Locate the Lat Cable (71). Route the Cable up
through the Right Top Frame (7) and over a
90mm Pulley (39). Make sure the Cable is
between the Pulley and the rod in the Top
Frame. Attach the Pulley insidethe Top Frame
with an M10 x 80mm Bolt(111), two M10
Washers (116), two 19mm Spacers (77), and an
M10 Nylon Locknut (114).
23. Route the Lat Cable (71) overa 90ram Pulley
(39) and down through the Right Top Frame (7).
Make sure the Cable is between the Pulley
and the rod in the Top Frame. Attach the Pulley
inside the Top Frame with an M10 x 80mm Bolt
(111), two M10 Washers (116), two 19mm
Spacers (77), and an M10 Nylon Locknut(114).
24. Wrap the Lat Cable (71) under a 90mm Pulley
(39). Attach the Pulley,a Small Cable Trap (48),
and two Half Finger Guards (42) at the second
holefrom the top ofthe two PulleyPlates (51)
with an M10 x 52mm Bolt (102) and an M10
Nylon Locknut (114). Make sure the Cable Trap
and Finger Guards are oriented as shown.
25. Route the Lat Cable (71) upthroughthe Right
TopFrame (7) and over a 90mm Pulley (39).
Make sure the Cable is between the Pulley
and the rod in the Top Frame. Attach the Pulley
insidethe Top Frame with an M10 x 80mm Bolt
(111), two M10 Washers (116), two 19mm
Spacers (77), and an M10 Nylon Locknut(114).
26. Wrap the Lat Cable (71) around a 115mm Pulley
(41). Attach the Pulleyand a Large Cable Trap
(125) to the RightTop Frame (7) with an M10 x
110ramBolt (73) and an M10 Nylon Locknut
__-_2". 77 116
23 116 39 1_-_- _
25 _ 71