To operate the butterfly arms in the press arm mode, insert
the Pull Pins (68) into the support arm and the butterfly
arms as described in assembly step 6 on page 5.
To operate the butterfly arms in the butterfly mode, remove
the Pull Pins from the support arm and the butterfly arms.
Insert one Pull Pin into the frame extension and the
support arm. Insert the other Pull Pin into the indicated
storage hole. See figure 5.
Frame Extension,
Inspect and tighten all parts of the system regularly. Replace any worn parts immed;'ately. The system
can be cleaned using a damp cloth and a mild non-abrasive detergent. Do not use solvents.
When you tirst use the digital hand control after assembly is completed, the weight setting may stick at
• "L30." If this happens, perform a few exercises with the weight setting at "L30." This should correct the
• problem.
n,-,,-,_, ,--,,. ,-............. CASLES
If there is slack in the cables before the weight engages
the cables need to be adjusted. There are two Adjustment
Nuts (70) located at the top of the frame which allow fine
adjustment. Lobsen the upper Nut, and turn the lower Nut
clockwise until the cables are tight. Do not allow the
cable to twist as you turn the Nut. Tighten the upper Nut
onto the lower Nut. If the cable cannot be tightened any
further using the Adjustment Nuts, follow the instructions
Loosen the Adjustment Nuts until they are at the end of the
cable threads. Locate the two pulleys connected by the
two "l"-Plates (46). The "l"-Plates have three adjustment
holes which can be used to tighten the cables. Remove
the upper pulley from the "l"-Plates using two adjustable
wrenches. Move the pulley to the next lower hole in the "l"-
Plates and reattach the pulley. Do not overtighten the
bolt and nut which attach the pulley tO the 'T'-Plates.
The pulley should turn freely_ Tighten the Adjustment
Nutsuntil the cables are tight as described above.
I! the motor stalls or hesitates, the cables are too tight; loosen the cables slightly using the Adjustment
Nuts as described above. If the cable cannot be adjusted [urther and there is still slack in the weight
system, the cables should be replaced (see the back cover of this manual).