
Press Butterfly High Leg Leg Low
Weight Arm Arm Pulley Lever Press Pulley
Plates (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.)
Top 19 5 7 7 31 7
1 41 10 20 17 74 17
2 62 23 30 30 115 30
3 84 32 40 43 146 43
4 108 38 53 58 183 58
5 131 43 65 68 220 68
6 168 48 76 83 283 83
7 195 51 87 95 334 95
8 225 60 98 107 395 107
This chart shows the approximate weight resistance at each station. “Top” refers to the 6.5 lbs. top
weight. The other numbers refer to the 12.5 lbs. weight plates. Note: The actual resistance at each
weight station may vary due to differences in individual weight plates, as well as friction between
the cables, pulleys, and weight guides.
Weight Resistance Chart