A_ WARN ING: To reduce the riskofserious injury, read the followingimportantprecau-
tions before using the elliptical croeetrainer.
t. Read all instructions in this manual before
using the elliptical croeetrainer.
11. Keep your back straight when using the ellipo
t[ca[ crosetra[ner; do not arch your back.
2. it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure
that all users of the elliptical crosstrainer are
adequateJy informed of aI[ precautions.
12. If you feel pain or dizziness at any time
while exercising, stop immediately and cool
3. The elliptical crosstrainer is intended for
home use only. Do not use the elliptical
croeetrainer in a commercial rental, or insti-
tutional setting.
4. Place the elliptical croeetrainer on a level
surface, with a mat beneath it to protect the
floor or carpet. Keep the eiJiptica[ croeetrain-
er indoors, away from moisture and dust.
13. When you stop exercising, allow the pedals
to eJow[y come to a stop.
14. The decal shown be[ow has been pieced on
the e[[i ptica[ crosetrainer, if the decal is
missing, or if it is not legible, please ca[[ toil-
free 1-888-533-1333 and order a free repiaceo
ment decal Apply the decal in the location
5. inspect and properly tighten eli parts regu-
larly. Replace any worn parts immed[ate[y.
6. Keep children under 12 and pets away from
the elliptical croeetrainer at a[[ times.
7. The elliptical crosstrainer should not be used
by persons weighing more than 250 pounds.
8. Wear appropriate exercise clothes when
using the elliptical crosetrainer. Always wear
athletic shoes for foot protection whiJe exer-
9. Hold the handgrip pulse sensor or the han-
dlebars when mounting, dismounting, or
using the elliptica[ croeetrainer.
10. The pulse sensor is not a medical device.
Various factors may affect the accuracy ot
heart rate readings. The pulse sensor is
intended onty as an exercise aid in determin-
ing heart rate trends in general.
Misuse ofthis machine
may resumtm serious
Read user's manual
prior to useandfo[mow
ai[ warnings and
Do not show chimdren
on or around machine,
PedaBs continue to
spin when you stop
Spinning pedamscan
Reduce pedam speed
in aeontroBed manner,
User weight must not
exceed 250 pounds,
WARNING: Beforebeginningthieoranye.erc,eeprogram,consu,yourphye c an.
This is especially important for persons over the age of35 or persons with pre-existing health prob-
lems. Read all instructions before using. Sears assumes no responsibility for personal injury or
property damage sustained by or through the use of this product.