Note=TheCARDIOFITfeatures one of the four monitors shown below. All four monitors have exactly the
same modes. The operation of the monitors is described below.
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The monitor offers five modes to provide you with instant exercise feedback:
• Speed--Displays your speed, in repetitions per minute.
• Time--Displays the length oftime you have exercised. Note: Ifyou stop exercising for ten seconds or longer,
the time mode will pause untilyou resume.
• Distance--Displays the total number of repetitions you have completed, up to 999. The display will then reset to
zero and continue counting. (Monitor 2 above willdisplay up to 9,999 repetitions.)
• Calories--Displays the approximate number of Calories you have burned. Note: If the resistance is near the
highest or lowest setting, the actual number of Calories you have burned willbe slightly higher or lower than the
number displayed.
• Scan---Displays all of the above modes, forapproximately 5 seconds each, in a repeating cycle.
1. To turn on the power, press the on/off button or simply begin exercising on the CARDIO FIT. (If you have
monitor 2 above, press the on/reset button.) When the power is turned on, the entire display will appear for two
seconds. The monitor will then be ready for operation.
2. Select one of the five modes:
Scan mode--When the power is turned on, the scan mode will be
selected automatically. One mode indicator willshow that the scan
mode has been selected, and a second mode indicator will show
which mode is currently displayed. The scan mode can also be
selected by repeatedly pressing the mode button. (If you have
monitor 3 above, press the scan button).
Speed, time, distance or calories mode--These modes can be
selected by repeatedly pressing the mode button. The mode
indicators will show which mode has been selected.The modes willbe
selected in the following order:,speed, time, distance,calories.
Mode Indicators
3. To reset the display, press the on/off buttontwice. (Ifyou have monitor2 above, press the on/reset button; ifyou
have monitor 4 above, press the clear button).
4. To tum off the power, press the on/off button. (If you have monitor 2 above, there is no on/off button. Simply
wait for about four minutes for the "auto-off" feature to turn off the power.) Note: Allfour monitors have an
"auto-o_ feature. If the pedals are not moved and the monitor buttons are not pressed for four minutes, the
power will turn off automatically in order to conserve the batteries.