:Note: If there is a thin sheet of clear plas-
tic on the face of the console, remove it.
The treadmill console offers an impressive array of fea-
tures designed to make YOUrworkouts more effective
and enjoyable. When the console is in the manual mode,
the speed and incline of the treadmill can be changed
with a touch of a button. As you exemise, five displays
will provide continuous exercise feedback. Seven preset
programs are also offered: two WEIGHT LOSS programs
and two INTERVAL programs automatically control the
speed of the treadmill as they guide you through effective
workouts; the special FAT BURN program provides in-
tensive fat-burning workouts; the AEROBIC program
helps you to achieve maximum cardiovascular benefits;
and the unique FITNESS TEST program measures your
relative fitness level.
To use the manual mode, follow the steps on pages 11
through 13. To use the WEIGHT LOSS or INTERVAL
programs, see pages 13 and 14. To use the FAT BURN
or AEROBIC program, see pages 15 and 16. To use the
FITNESS TEST program, see pages 16 and 17. Note:
The console can display speed and distance in either
miles or kilometers (see SPEED DISPLAY on page 12).
For simplicity, all instructions in this manual refer to miles.
Before beginning, make sure
that the on/off switch located
near the power cord is in the
"on" position. Plug in the power
cord (see page 9). Note: If the
key is in the console when the
power cord is plugged in, the letters "PO" will flash in the
SPEED display. If this occurs, remove the key.