
How To Use the Following Charts
These charts represent the tuning scheme of each range and are for reference in determining the suit-
ability of a particular range for your geographic location.
Frequency Range A 516–558 MHz
Ch. 21 (512–518 MHz) Ch. 25 (536–542 MHz)
US TV Channel Ch. 22 (518–524 MHz) Ch. 26 (542–548 MHz)
Ch. 23 (524–530 MHz) Ch. 27 (548–554 MHz)
Ch. 24 (530–536 MHz) Ch. 28 (554–560 MHz)
Channel Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Bank 9 Bank 10
1 518.200 524.250 530.100 536.350 542.900 548.850 554.100 518.125 516.000 516.000
2 518.700 524.800 530.800 537.700 543.600 549.800 554.550 518.500 516.875 516.400
3 519.650 525.550 531.650 538.650 544.450 550.250 555.200 519.000 517.500 517.000
4 520.450 526.550 532.050 539.300 545.050 551.100 555.700 519.625 520.175 517.800
5 520.900 527.700 533.050 540.100 545.450 551.500 556.450 520.375 522.625 519.000
6 521.600 528.100 533.550 540.700 546.200 552.150 557.050 521.375 524.800 520.600
7 522.000 529.050 534.850 541.100 546.750 552.950 557.450 523.375 529.625 522.800
8 522.900 529.500 535.750 541.800 547.700 553.500 558.000 525.875 530.825 526.000
9 528.800 516.950 517.300 518.900 516.900 524.050 516.300 534.125 540.525 528.400
10 535.100 535.250 523.300 519.800 524.750 533.500 524.750 535.375 553.625 533.200
11 552.350 536.750 547.200 550.100 551.250 537.700 533.550 537.500 516.375 537.200
12 531.600 554.900 551.050 555.050 553.200 556.900 538.250 540.125 518.425 541.600
13 539.900 519.200 520.150 516.150 518.100 518.950 517.200 541.750 520.975 549.000
14 540.500 540.400 520.800 516.900 521.900 522.300 526.800 521.000 521.525 552.400
15 542.900 541.850 521.250 524.600 522.800 523.450 529.550 522.125 523.350 519.475
16 543.950 542.650 521.850 525.500 523.850 527.250 532.700 522.500 526.375 521.300
17 546.050 545.150 523.900 526.550 528.450 528.400 538.950 524.125 531.400 523.850
18 546.600 546.050 525.000 545.300 528.950 529.000 544.800 524.500 532.250 527.625
19 550.850 547.250 553.150 546.500 531.900 532.600 547.200 525.125 533.975 530.150
20 552.950 548.150 555.700 549.350 553.650 534.100 550.350 534.500 534.725 531.175
21 553.700 550.400 556.900 556.250 555.000 538.300 530.250 535.000 536.200 539.950
22 556.100 557.900 557.550 520.550 519.500 545.100 531.350 536.125 543.875 544.975
23 524.750 527.000 528.900 523.100 521.300 521.350 534.900 536.750 545.050 547.675
24 529.500 519.650 539.250 531.800 525.500 529.750 537.750 537.875 533.375
25 533.900 521.100 541.900 535.850 527.750 531.850 542.550 538.750
26 543.350 530.250 549.250 551.600 533.300 539.500 549.350 539.125
27 545.150 534.500 550.050 552.500 540.600 543.400 539.750
28 547.550 546.750 550.450 553.250 555.900 544.500 540.625
29 548.900 551.450 557.950 557.400 541.000
30 552.200
Transmitters and receivers are available in a 42 MHz UHF frequency range with a total of 1,680 transmis-
sion/receiving frequencies. Transmitters and receivers have 20 frequency banks respectively. Each of the
channels in the frequency banks has been factory-preset to a frequency. The frequency presets within one
nfrequency bank are intermodulation-free. These frequencies cannot be changed. The frequency banks
“U” (ew 100: bank “U”, ew 300/ew 500: banks “U1”–“U6”) allow the user to store individual frequencies
which are freely selectable in 25-kHz steps. It might be that nthese frequencies are not intermodulation-
free. The following table lists the frequency presets in the frequency banks “1” to “20”: