
AOP Outlet (AOP)
Select Vent Fan or Alarm for the Auxiliary Output
The optional “AOP” (Auxiliary Output) is an electrical
receptacle mounted in the kiln’s switch box. This outlet can
power a kiln vent or an external alarm, such as a bell. The
AOPis aspecial-order optionthatmight notbeon yourkiln.
The choices in the AOP option:
ALAR Alarm: This choice sends power to the AOP re
ceptacle wheneverthe alarm sounds.(See Alarm, pages6
& 7.) Plug in a loud bell to alert you, from a distance, that
the kiln has reached the alarm temperature.
NONE None: Use this setting if your kiln does not have
the AOP outlet.
FAN2 Do not use FAN2.
FAN3 Kiln Vent: This option adds a prompt for fan
( FN ) to each segment in Ramp-Hold (page 13). For
Cone-Fire controllers, selecting FAN3 makes the FAN
option visible on the options list (page 18).
1 From IdLE , press OPTIONS repeatedly until
AOP appears.
2 Press ENTER. Use the1and 2keys to select ALAR
FAN3 or NONE .
3 After selecting one of the above, press ENTER.
Press STOP to return to IdLE .
Computer ID (ID)
Enter an ID Number for Connection to a Computer
This feature is for assigning an identification number,
from 1 to 15, to the controller. It is used only for hookup to a
personal computer and requires an optional kit.
1 From IdLE , pressOPTIONS repeatedlyuntil ID
2 Press ENTER. Use the 1and 2 keys to select an ID
number from 1 to 15. Press ENTER. Press STOP to
return to IdLE .
Temperature Deviation (TEDE)
Adjust Temperature Sensitivity of Error Codes
The ideal temperature of a firing, at any given time, is
called the set point. During a ramp, the set point changes at
the rate you programmed. During a hold, the set point re
mains steady. The Sentry shows error messages when it
can’t maintain theset point. Thecushion, or leeway, allowed
before anerror messageflashes iscalled TemperatureDevi
ation. When the temperature is off by more than the Tem
perature Deviation setting, the alarm sounds. Temperature
Deviation affects these error messages (see page 22):
FTH Fail to Heat
FTC Fail to Cool
HTDE High Temperature Deviation
LTDE Low Temperature Deviation
To turn these error codes off,enter a Temperature Devi
ation of 0.
CAUTION: The High Temperature Deviation
(HTDE) alarm shuts off the kiln to prevent an
overfire. Entering a temperature deviation of 0
shuts off this important alarm! Programming a fir
ing atFULL rate (1799°F/999°C orhigher rate) will
also shut off the deviation alarms for that firing.
1 From IdLE , press OPTIONS repeatedly until
TEDE appears.
2 Press ENTER. Change the deviation temperature.
Press ENTER. Press STOP to return to IdLE .
Example: The Fail to Heat code FTH appears during
firing, because the kiln could not heat as fast as pro
grammed. The Temperature Deviation TEDE is 60°F. The
Fail to Heat code appeared when the temperature was 60°F
below the set point.
Maximum Temperature (SFTY)
View the Kiln’s Maximum Operating Temperature
From IdLE , press OPTIONS repeatedly until SFTY ap
pears. Press ENTER. The temperature displayedis the max
imum operating temperature programmed in the Sentry for
your kiln. It can be altered only at the factory. Press ENTER.
Press STOP to return to IdLE .
Electronics Temperature (ELEC)
Check the Circuit Board Temperature
Hightemperatures inthe switchbox candamage thecon-
troller circuit board, which is rated for 158°F/70°C maxi-
mum operating temperature. If necessary, exhaust hot air
from the room to lower board temperature.When firing sev-
eral kilns,position them atleast three feetapart to allowade-
quate air circulation.
From IdLE or while firing, press OPTIONS repeatedly
until ELEC appears. Press ENTER. The temperature of the
circuit board will appear. Press ENTER. Press STOP to re
turn to IdLE .
Program Lock (LOCK)
Make a Program Tamper-Proof
WithProgram Lockactivated, astored programcannot be
altered or removed frommemory. Use Program Lock for re
peat firings that you don’t want to inadvertently change.
Note: Program Lock does not save a Delay setting.
While a program is locked, you can enter a new
1 From IdLE , press OPTIONS repeatedly until
LOCK appears.
2 Press ENTER. LO (locked) or UN (unlocked)
will appear.
3 To change the setting, press DELAY 3 times.
4 Press ENTER. Press STOP to return to IdLE .