3780Link for Windows
• Drag and drop may also be implemented by using the -d[=n] switch on
the SEND, CALL, and CHAIN script commands. The SEND command
waits for a dropped file to send, and the CALL and CHAIN commands
wait for a dropped script file to execute. Use the -d switch in place of a
file name with the SEND, CALL, and CHAIN commands. See the
3780Link User's Guide for more information on script commands.
If the optional [=n] is omitted, a default value of 0 is assumed, causing
3780Link to wait indefinitely for a dropped file. If the optional [=n] is
included, 3780Link waits n seconds for a file to be dropped.
As an example, consider the following script file, named “dropscri.s.”
GOTO loop
When running this script file, 3780Link SO waits indefinitely for
another script file to be dropped, effectively resulting in a script file
server. When a script file is eventually dropped, the file is executed and
control returns to “dropscri.s” after the dropped script completes.
MESS_BOX.EXE - Message Box Display Program
If you would like a message box to display at some point during script
processing, add the following line to your script file:
EXEC mess_box.exe "text" "title"
When this command is encountered, script processing will stop and a
message box containing the specified text and title string will appear on the
screen. Script processing will resume when the operator presses the “OK”
button in the message box.