
Web-site: www.sharp.co.uk/support Help Line: 08705 274277 (office hours)
The unit may have the following symptoms whilst recording or editing. The unit is not out of order.
MiniDisc System Limitations
– MiniDisc System Limitations –
“DISC FULL” or “TOC FULL” appears
even though the MiniDisc still has re-
cording time left.
The remaining recording time does not
increase even though you erased tracks.
The total of the recorded time and the
remaining time does not match the maxi-
mum recordable time.
Combine function does not work.
Sound skips in fast reverse/forward.
A track number is created in the middle
of a track.
More than 255 tracks (maximum) cannot be recorded regardless of the re-
cording time.
If the MiniDisc is recorded or edited repeatedly or if it has scratches (record-
ing skips scratched parts), you may not be able to record the maximum
tracks above.
The unit does not count non-recorded portions that last 12 or fewer seconds
to display the remaining recording time. The time may not increase even if
you erase short tracks.
One cluster (approximately 2 seconds) is the minimum unit for recording.
For example, a 3-second track uses 2 clusters (approximately 4 seconds).
Therefore, the actual recordable time may be shorter than the displayed
A MiniDisc on which recording and editing are repeated may not allow the
combine function.
One track is divided and recorded in separate places on a repeatedly re-
corded or edited MiniDisc.
Sound may skip.
A track number may be created if there are scratches or dust on the MiniDisc.