ONE User Guide - R1.0 - April 21, 2010 114
Control the following from the Music & More > Settings screen:
Stream music With a Zune Pass, you can stream an unlimited number of songs. Follow
the steps above in “Browse for music and add to cart” and when you find
a song you want to listen to, tap .
Browse artist
To get more songs from an artist, go to Artists > Artist name > Songs,
scroll down to Zune Pass catalog top songs, tap the down arrows (if
necessary) to show more songs by this artist that you can download
using your Zune Pass. Tap a song to download it using your pass.
Music settings • Equalizer - Choose from None, Acoustic, Classical, Electronic, Hip
Hop, Jazz, Pop, or Rock.
• Artists - Choose whether to search for artists by Album only or by
Song and album.
Radio settings • Region - Choose your current location from North America, Europe,
or Japan to set the correct frequency band. Remember to change this
setting if you travel to a different region.
• Seek mode - When you scan forward or back for stations, you can
choose seek to stop at the next station, even if you don’t receive the
station very well, or presets to stop at just those stations that you’ve
Storage From the Storage screen you can view:
• How many songs, pictures, and videos you’ve copied to your phone.
(Video podcasts are counted but not audio podcasts.)
• How much space you’ve used.
• How much space is still free.