Capture Key Programming
Use the following procedure to select the menu option “21 CAPTURE KEY” :
Capture key data
You can program max. 10 data capture key entries for the capture data function.
Program the item as follows:
• CAPTURE01 thru 10 (Use the selective entry)
Select the desired data capture key from the list.
• TEXT (Use the character entry)
Description for the data capture key. Up to 12 charactrers
can be entered.
• TEXT PRINT (Use the selective entry)
YES: Print the data capture key TEXT on R/J or bill.
NO: Does not print the data capture key TEXT.
• ENTRY COMPUL (Use the selective entry)
Enforcing the data capture key.
BEGIN: Enforced at the beginning of transaction.
END: Enforced at the end of the transaction.
NO: Not enforced-assigned key data function no.
• LINK JOB# (Use the numeric entry)
Capture job number (1 to 99)
Select a pertinent
data capture key.
The screen continues.