(2) List of consolidated reports (SYSTEM READING/RESETTING)
Report type Description
Operating modes
Job # Required data/Remarks
X1/Z1 X2/Z2
DEPARTMENT Full department X1, Z1 1110
X2, Z2 1210
DEPT. IND. GROUP Individual dept. X1 1112 Group no. (0 thru 9)
group report
X2 1212
DEPT. GR. TOTAL Dept. group total X1 1113
X2 1213
M-DOWN DEPT. Department X1 1119
markdown report
X2 1219
PLU/UPC PLU/UPC report X1, Z1 1120 PLU/UPC code
by specified range
X2, Z2 1220
PLU PICK UP PLU/UPC pick up X1, Z1 1120 *1
X2, Z2 1220
PLU BY DEPT PLU/UPC report by X1, Z1 1121 Department code
associated dept.
X2, Z2 1221
PLU IND. GROUP Individual
X1 1122 Group no.
specified report
X2 1222
PLU GR. TOTAL PLU/UPC group X1 1123
total report
X2 1223
PLU STOCK PLU/UPC stock X1 1124 PLU/UPC code
total report
PLU STOCK PICK PLU/UPC stock X1 1124 *1
pick up report
PLU ZERO SALES PLU/UPC zero X1 1127 All PLUs of zero sales.
sales report
X2 1227
PLU/UPC zero X1 1127 PLUs of zero sales by
sales report by
X2 1227
specified dept.
PLU MIN. STOCK PLU/UPC minimum X1 1128
stock report
PLU CATEGORY PLU/UPC sales X1 1129 Price
report by price
X2 1229
DYNAMIC UPC Dynamic UPC by X1, Z1 1169 Start/end UPC codes
designated range
X2, Z2 1269
D-UPC PICK UP Dynamic UPC pick X1, Z1 1169 *1
up report
X2, Z2 1269
To specify a PLU/UPC range, enter
start and end PLU/UPC codes.