Caption (default) Function
WITH Adds a tied PLU for combo or set PLU.
WITHOUT Deletes a tied PLU from a combo or set PLU.
NEXT COND. Goes to next condiment without setting current condiment.
CHG COND. Changes a condiment (for dessert feature).
WASTE Goes to the waste mode.
REPEAT ROUND Allows reorder of the previous items for a table.
Dept Shift n Changes a department code temporarily.
INQ Inquires the unit price of an item.
PRICE CHANGE Changes the price of an item.
COUNTDOWN Warns short stock (86 item).
RECIPE Displays a recipe.
TABLE # Opens a table by entering a table number.
TABLE LIST Displays open table window.
NBAL Finalize a transaction temporarily without calculating VAT/tax.
Final Finalize a transaction temporarily with the calculation of VAT/
Deposit(+) Allows a deposit entry for a guest.
Deposit(-) Allows a deposit refund.
B.T. IN Allows bill transfer/totalizing in a room.
B.T. OVER Allows bill transfer/totalizing over rooms.
B.S. Opens bill separate window.
SPLIT VALUE Allows B.S. split by value.
SPLIT NUMBER Allows B.S. split by number.
REMERGE Remerges split bills.
TRANSFER Allows table transfer from a clerk.
RECALL Recalls the closed table list.
RECALL # Recalls a closed table.
[+] Allows item correction (addition) and repeat entries.
[-] Allows item correction (deletion).
CHECK VOID Allows subtotal void.
VOID MODE Enters the void mode.
REFUND Allows a refund entry.
RETURN Allows a return entry.
(-) n Allows discount by entering an amount.
% n Allows discount by entering a rate.
GROUP DSC# Allows group discount.
GD SFT # Allows group discount shift.
TEXT # Allows the free text entry by specifying a number.
Text n (Free text key text) Allows the free text entry.
RA n Allows received on account entry.
PO n Allows paid out entry.
Nosale Allows no sale.
W/O SERVICE Cancels service charge.
SVC OVERRIDE Change a rate of service charge.
W/O GRATUITY Cancels gratuity.