Rux Inputs
Channels 7 and 8 are aux level inputs, providing additional input
capabilities for tape recorders, synthesizers, amplified instruments, back-
ground music sources, preamplified phonographs, or other mixers. These
channels have AUX INPUT phone jacks, VOLUME controls for
settlng the
channel input mix level. To play a stereo tape in mono, connect the left tape
channel to AUX INPUT 7 and the right tape channel to AUX INPUT 8. If
reverbleffects and monitor are desired, use two of the first six
HI IMP input channels with proper input attenuation.
These inputs can also be used for the return signal from an external effects
dev~ce (delay, echo, etc.) driven by the EFFECTS OUTPUT
When an additional mixer (such as the Shure
M68, M67 or SRIOI) is
connected to channel
or 8, the aux channel volume control becomes a
submaster control
The orange control marks indicate basic or initial settings
Stotus lndicotors
POWER-lnd~cates application of ac voltage to power supply when
rear-panel ON-OFF switch is turned on.
TEMP WARNING-Lights when unusually high temperature of 70°C
(158°F) is reached on the output transistors. Indication may be due to
blockage of air louvers, dirty air filter, or operating the console at a high
output level with a low load impedance (too many speakers or a
clrcuited output). Indicator will turn off when transistor case temperature
drops below 70°C. If indicator lights, it is advisable to identify the cause and
make corrections to avoid shutdown.
SHUTDOWN-When indicator is on, power amplifier is turned off (all other
circuits remain on). The console may shut down for one of the following
excessive temperature due to inadequate cooling (see TEMP
dc voltage on speaker lines due to power transistor failure
(check forthiscondition by turning the consoleoff and turning it
backon), or
airflow blockage due to fan failure or air passage obstruction.
Heo dphonss
A %inch phone jack is available for connection to a pair of stereo head-
phones. The jack is wired to the power amplifier. The signal level to the
headphones follows the MASTER VOLUME control. The headphones allow
the console to be used as a mixer for tape recording. The speakers can be
disconnected to avoid feedback.