The Shure Model UA845 is an amplified, UHF Antenna Distribu-
tion System that expands a wireless microphone system by splitting
one pair of antennas to multiple Shure U4 or Shure UC4 wireless
receivers. It also amplifies RF signals to compensate for insertion
loss due to splitting signal power to mulitple output connectors.
Each UA845 allows up to four receivers to use the same antennas.
CASCADE connectors allows connections to a fifth receiver or a
second UA845. There are also power connectors for powering
Shure UHF and UC Wireless systems.
Each system contains the following items:
UA845 Antenna Distribution System
Rack-mounting hardware
Surface-mounting hardware
Front-mounting antenna hardware
18-in. Power OUTPUT Cord
Power Cord
Antenna cables for receiver connections
DC power cables for receiver connections to DC power con-
nectors on UC receivers.
The Shure Model UA845 ensures maximum sensitivity and sig-
nal processing capability, providing the widest radio range possible
for the largest number of wireless receivers. To get the most from
this system, follow these guidelines:
When using long runs of cable for remote-mounted antennas,
use the UA830 In-Line RF Amplifier and the Shure Model
UA825 or UA850 Remote Antenna Extension cables (RG-8/X
or equivalent), which have low loss at UHF operating frequen-
Locate multiple transmitters more than 3 m [10 ft] from receiv-
ing antennas
The UA845 UHF Antenna Distribution System
is designed for large UHF wireless systems. Each unit allows
up to four wireless receivers to use the same two antennas,
and the CASCADE ports allow connection to a fifth receiver or
a second UA845.
• Compatibility.
The UA845 is compatible with all Shure wire-
less microphone receivers operating within a compatible fre-
quency range (see UHF Carrier Frequency Ranges in the
Specifications section).
• CASCADE Ports.
Two 50
, BNC-type antenna CASCADE
ports allow an additonal UA845 unit or a fifth wireless receiver.
A large wireless system can be run off of a single pair of anten-
• Power OUTPUT and OUT Connectors.
Up to five (5) U4 re-
ceivers can be daisy-chained and powered from a single
source via the Power OUTPUT connectors. Up to four (4) UC4
receivers can be powered from the UA845 using the 12 Vdc
OUT connectors.
Low Noise and Intermodulation Distortion.
The UA845
maintains clean signals with minimal distortion.
Insertion Loss Compensation.
Whenever a signal is split to
multiple output ports, there is a loss in signal strength. The
UA845 amplifies signals to compensate, ensuring a strong sig-
nal to the receivers.
Front-Mounted Antennas.
The UA845 comes with hardware
to front-mount the antennas, if desired.+
UHF Antenna Distribution System