Figure 1
Front Panel Controls (Refer to Figure 1)
6. Individual Channel “Treble & Bass” Controls (Six, Dual
1. “Anti-Feedback” Switches (Four).
2. “Reverb Intensity” Control.
3. “Reverb Treble & Bass” Controls (Dual Concentric).
4. “Master Reverb” Switch.
5. Individual Channel “Volume” Controls (Six).
7. Individual Channel “Reverb” Switches (Six).
8. “Master Volume” Control.
9. “Thermal Overload” Indicator Lamp.
10. “On-Off-On” Power Switch.
Figure 2
Rear Panel Controls and Connections
(Refer to Figure 2)
11. Line Cord Storage Spindles.
12. A. C. Line Cord.
13. D. C. Fuse (3AG/5A).
14. A. C. Fuse (3AG/3ASB).
15. “Speaker” Output Jacks (Two, Phone Type).
16. “To Tape Recorder” Jack (Phone Type).
17. “Reverb Switch” Remote Control Jack (Phone Type).
18. Echo-“To Input” Jack (Switching Phone Type).
19. Echo-“To Output” Jack (Switching Phone Type).
20. Echo “Gain” Control.
21. “Mic./lnst.” Input Attenuator Switches (Six).
22. “Input” Jacks (Six, Phone Type).