Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Flange-Style Flow Meter Installation
Install the flange-style meter between two conventional pipe flanges of the
same nominal size as the flow meter. If the process fluid is a liquid, make
sure the meter is located where the pipe is always full. This may require lo-
cating the meter at a low point in the piping system. Note: Vortex flow me-
ters are not suitable for two-phase flows (i.e., liquid and gas mixtures). For
horizontal pipelines having a process temperature above 300° F, mount the
meter at a 45 or 90-degree angle to avoid overheating the electronics enclo-
sure. To adjust the viewing angle of the enclosure or display/keypad, see
page 2-17.
Figure 2-4. Flange-Style Flow Meter Installation
When using toxic or cor-
rosive gases, purge the
line with inert gas for a
minimum of four hours
at full gas flow before
installing the flow meter.
When installing the meter make sure the flange marked “inlet” is positioned up-
stream of the outlet flange, facing the flow. This ensures that the sensor head is
positioned downstream of the vortex shedder bar and is correctly aligned to the
flow. Installing the meter opposite this direction will result in completely inaccu-
rate flow measurement. To install the meter:
1. Turn off the flow of process gas, liquid or steam. Verify that the line is
not pressurized. Confirm that the installation site meets the required
minimum upstream and downstream pipe diameters.
2. Seat the meter level and square on the mating connections with the flange
marked “inlet” facing the flow. Position a gasket in place for each side. Make
sure both gaskets are smooth and even with no gasket material extending into
the flow profile. Obstructions in the pipeline will disturb the flow and cause
inaccurate measurements.
3. Install bolts in both process connections. Tighten the nuts in the sequence
shown in Figure 2-2. Check for leaks after tightening the flange bolts.
IM-22-C 2-5