
C4 Manual Rev 7.5.2
7.5.7 PT Read Temperature
This command is used to read the specified probe temperature. The format of the
command is:
where n is the number (0, 1 or 2) of the probe to be read. Probe 2 is only
available if enabled by Setup Parameter F1 (See Section 8). Specifying
probe 0 will return the average temperature of the two probes.
The response is ASCII text with temperature as a one decimal place number.
Negative temperatures are preceded by a minus sign. Temperatures read in
Fahrenheit mode have an “F” character inserted after the probe number:
Tn<space>-ttt.t<CR><LF> for Celsius mode
TnF<space>-ttt.t<CR><LF> for Fahrenheit mode
where n is the probe number (0, 1 or 2) and ttt.t is the temperature. The ttt.t value
is not fixed length, but always includes one decimal place. A minus sign precedes
negative values.
T1 102.0<CR><LF> T1F -74.3<CR><LF>