3.1.7 Generate Gain
Clicking this item will cause the LBA-PC to execute an automatic Gain Correction calculation cycle.
The results of this operation will store a gain correction table that will be used to preprocess all data
frames newly acquired from the Frame Grabber card.
The status of the Gain Correction condition is visible in the Gain correction Enunciator shown here
and at the bottom of the LBA-PC’s main display screen.
If the color of the Gain Correction Enunciator is:
GRAY Gain Correction processing is turned OFF.
GREEN The Gain Correction calculation was successful and is OPERATING.
RED Gain Correction processing has been disabled because something caused the usage of it
to become invalid. How to generate gain
Before clicking on the Generate Gain... item you must:
• Allow the camera to warm up to a normal operating temperature.
• Align your laser beam with the camera and set the correct Zoom, Pan Camera type and
resolution, etc. settings.
• Block all light from the detector and perform an Ultracal!.
• Uniformly illuminate the camera detector to an intensity level that is about 60% to 90%
of saturation.
Now click File, Generate Gain.
• After a few seconds.. observe that the Gain Correction enunciator turns Green.
• Remove the uniform illumination and re-apply your laser beam to the camera.
Note: It is highly recommended that you perform a Save Config... and a Save Gain As... operation in
conjunction with each Generate Gain... operation. This will insure that you can restore the settings to the
configuration that will allow the Gain Correction to operate correctly. What is Gain Correction?
The gain correction algorithm will compute a mean pixel intensity value, and then supply a
correction factor for each pixel that will correct it to the computed mean. If your camera has
dead or seriously defective elements you should not attempt to use or operate with Gain
Correction. What Disables Gain Correction?
Gain Correction will become DISABLED if certain data collection conditions, that were in effect
when the Generate Gain operation was executed, are no longer in effect. In all cases, these
conditions are the result of an operators change to the spatial acquisition settings. The
DISABLED condition will occur if you make changes to:
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC