Basic Photography and Playback
Taking Pictures in A (Auto) Mode
Frame the picture.
Position the main subject in the focus frame
and use the zoom control to frame the pic-
ture in the display.
Zoom in up to 15 × using
optical zoom, or use digital
zoom (pg. 104) to zoom in
Select W to zoom out Select T to zoom in
Zoom indicator
Holding the Camera
Hold the camera steady with
both hands and brace your el-
bows against your sides. Shak-
ing or unsteady hands can blur
your shots.
To prevent pictures that are out
of focus or too dark (underex-
posed), keep your ngers and
other objects away from the lens
and ash.
2 Tip: Focus Lock
Use focus lock (pg. 24) to focus on subjects that are not in the focus frame.