Functions and Features
1 Solver
Crossword Solver
This product contains over 250,000 words from The Oxford
Crossword Dictionary 2nd Edition to help you solve hard to finish
crosswords and other word games. Simply fill in the letters you
know and put question marks (?) or asterisk (*) for the ones you
don’t, to complete those hard-to-finish puzzles.
Knowledge Solver
The Knowledge Solver contains 13 categories with 256 encyclope-
dic lists from The Oxford Crossword Dictionary 2nd Edition.
You can view the knowledge database by scrolling through the
categories and lists, or you can search the knowledge database using
keywords and wildcards.
Anagram Solver
The unit contains over 250,000 words from The Oxford Crossword
Dictionary 2nd Edition.
Simply type a word or a jumble of letters and the solver will build a
list of as many anagram words as possible.
Change a Letter Solver
This solver will allow you to view possible alternative words, by
changing one letter at a time. Simply type a word and the solver will
build a list of as many words as possible, changing one letter at a
time from your entry word.
Phrase Solver
The unit will help you to find phrases containing your keywords
from the extensive 250,000 entries from The Oxford Crossword
Dictionary 2nd Edition. Simply type a word and the solver will
build a list of as many phrases as possible.