sonally check each one so that you will become familiar
with them and also to insure that your tractor is ready to
go the first time you use it.
1. Tire Inflation: The tractor is shipped with all tires in-
flated to 25 PSI. Before operating, reduce pressure in all
tires. The front tires 12 to 15 PSI and rear to 6 to 8 PSI.
2. Engine Oil: Be
the oil in the crankcase is at the
proper level. Remove the dipstick, wipe it clean, and turn
it back in. When removed again, oil should show up to the
full mark. See figure 8.
and Stratton
manual and page 15 of this’manual for grade and weight of
oil to use.
3. Transfer Gear Case Oil: Remove the pipe plug from the
elbow at the rear of the gear case. Oil should be present at
the top of the filler elbow. If it is not, fill with 90 weight
transmission oil.
4. Transmission Oil (Hydrostatic Models): Remove the in-
spection plug at the side of the reservoir to check the oil in
the hydrostatic pump. Oil should be level with the bottom
edge of this hole. If it is not see page 17 under Mainten-
ance. Remove the pipe plug from
elbow on the axle
housing. Oil should be level with the top of the elbow. If
it is not see page 17 under Maintenance.
(Variable Speed): Remove the fill plug on the right side of
the transmission. Oil should be level with the bottom edge
of this hole. See page 17 of Maintenance.
Supply: Fill fuel tank completely with clean, fresh,
leaded or non-leaded “Regular” grade automotive gasoline.
(DO NOT MIX OIL WITH GASOLINE) Store gasoline in
small quantities as prolonged storage produces gum. See
page 9 item 6 of this manual.
(Fig&e 12).
6. Battery: Be sure the battery is filled to the proper level
with electrolyte and the vent holes on each cap are open.
See page 18.
7. Lubrication: Lubricate all grease fittings and oil lubri-
cation points shown in figures 32 through 346f the Main-
tenance section of this manual.
8. Attachments: Read and become famiiiar with the AT-
TACHMENTS MANUAL which refers to attachments you
will be using with your tractor. IMPORTANT: If you are