Simrad AP25 Autopilot
116 20221495F
By turning the Minimum Rudder function ‘On’, it may hence
improve the course keeping performance on some boats, but it
will increase the rudder activity.
Turn the minimum rudder on
by turning the rotary course
Range: OFF-ON.
Default: OFF
Note ! During the sea trial, only set Minimum Rudder to ON if it proves
to give a better course keeping performance in calm sea. It
should be set after the autotune has been performed and a
possible fine tune of the Rudder parameter (page
Compass calibration
This function will activate the compass calibration procedure for
Simrad compasses connected to Robnet2 and the Autopilot
Computer terminals (HS).
Notes !
1. The RC36 Rate Compass that comes with the autopilot as
standard will store the calibration and off-set data in its own
2. Compass calibration for a second compass connected to the
HS terminal will be stored in the Autopilot Computer
3. Calibration is made on the compass that is active for the
autopilot. The active compass is the one that is displayed on
the compass calibration screen.
RATE-0 = Rate compass, FLUX-0 = Fluxgate compass on
HS terminals.
4. If an optional NMEA compass from Simrad or another
manufacturer is installed, also refer to the optional compass’
manual regarding calibration. This compass will not be
calibrated by the autopilot.
Before you start the compass calibration, make sure you have
enough open water around you to make a full turn with the boat.