tains, woollens, silk, any containing foam-
rubber or similar materials.
Only materials which have previously been
washed with water can be dried with hot
air, never try to dry any garments which
have been treated with inflammable pro-
ducts (petrol, alcohol, wax, stain removers,
etc.) due to the fire risk which this poses.
The maximum load which is recommen-
ded is 2.5 kg of dry clothing in the case
of resistant materials and 1.5 kg for deli-
cate garments. That is to say, if you carry
out a washing programme with a full load
and then intend to dry it, the garments
should be divided into two loads for
Your washing machine-dyer has two basic
drying programmes:
– Resistant garments, cotton (position S)
– Delicate garments, synthetics (position
Both of them are selected with the
Programme Selector Control (6).
The D drying programme runs at a lower
temperature than does the S programme.
You can run dry-only programmes or was-
hing programmes followed by a drying
programme (consecutive wash-dry).
Remember that it is a good idea to allow
the washing machine to even up the final
temperature to prevent any creases from
forming. Therefore, should you wish to stop
a drying cycle which is still running, you
are advised to turn the Drying Time
Selector Control (7) to the mark, which
will enable the ventilation to function with
cold air for a few minutes.
Drying time
You will need to experiment for a period of
time in order to select the appropriate
drying time, which will depend on the
materials and size of the garments and the
Nevertheless, the following table gives
some rough estimates.
Time in minutes
Load Resistant garments Delicate garments
kg Total drying Ready for ironing Total drying Ready for ironing
0.5 25 30 35 40
1.5 50 65 80 100
2.5 85 100 — —
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