CONSOLE MONITOR will help you reach your ideal LOW & HIGH TARGET
a. 3 minute WARM UP time: After enter the H.R.C. Interval program, the program
will start begin with 3 minute WARM UP time, during the WARM UP mode, the
console will detects the user’s heart rate through hand pulse sensors or wireless
chest belt. During the WARM UP time,
the torque/resistance level is available to
adjust from 1 ~ 16 levels. NOTE: During the warm-up time, the console will start
monitoring your actual hear rate to see whether could
match your ideal value of LOW TARGET HEART RATE.
b. After 3-minute warm up time, the console will start
adjusting the resistance level automatically if your actual
heart rate couldn’t reach your ideal value of LOW
TARGET HEART RATE. Once you actual heart rate
match to your ideal value of LOW TARGET HEART
RATE, the resistance level would be fixed for about 2
minutes. NOTE: If your actual heart rate couldn’t reach
to your ideal value of LOW TARGET HEART RATE, the console will keep increasing the resistance level every 15
seconds until your actual heart rate reaches your ideal value of LOW TARGET HEART RATE.
c. Once your actual heart rate is in the LOW TARGET HEART RATE ZONE with another 2-minutes workout, the console
will start increasing the resistance level in order to help your actual heart rate to reach to your ideal value of HIGH
TARGET HEART RATE. Once you actual heart rate match to your ideal value of HIGH TARGET HEART RATE, the
resistance level would be fixed for about 2 minutes. NOTE: If your actual heart rate couldn’t reach to your ideal
value of HIGH TARGET HEART RATE, the console will keep increasing the resistance level every 15 seconds
until your actual heart rate reaches your ideal value of HIGH TARGET HEART RATE.
d. Once your actual heart rate is in the HIGH TARGET HEART RATE ZONE with another 2-minutes workout, the console
will start decreasing the resistance level in order to help your actual heart rate to reach to your ideal value of LOW
TARGET HEART RATE. Once you actual heart rate match to your ideal value of LOW TARGET HEART RATE, the
resistance level would be fixed for about 2 minutes. NOTE: If your actual heart rate couldn’t reach to your ideal
value of LOW TARGET HEART RATE, the console will keep decreasing the resistance level every 15 seconds
until your actual heart rate reaches your ideal value of LOW TARGET HEART RATE.
e. The workout method will follow the above method until the workout time is finished.