
Step by step
Programming the function keys
Tru nk gr ou p k ey :
S At least one trunk is free.
R All lines in this trunk group are occupied.
View call charges:
S No chargeable calls have been set up since the last
R Chargeable calls have been set up since the last check.
Call forwarding, Forward line:
T Flashing slowly - your line is a call forwarding destinati-
Fax/answering machine details.:
S No fax received or no message on the answering machi-
R Fax received or message on the answering machine.
View the number of calls:
S No waiting callers.
T Flashing quickly - callers waiting (certain number is ex-
Flashing quickly - callers waiting (certain number is rea-
Data I/O service:
S No connection to an application.
R Active connection to an application.
T Flashing slowly, connection to an application is tem-
porarily interrupted.
The following functions programmed on keys do
not have a LED function:
Number (external) , Procedure key, Trace call, Speed di-
al, Clear, Lock all phones, Send message, Directory
(1=internal, 2=LDAP not for HiPath 500), Accepting call
waiting, Toggle/Connect, Conference, Speaker call, Re-
trieve line, Reserve trunk, Release line, Temporary Pho-
ne, Override, Park a call, Pickup - directed, Pickup -
group, Account code, Show call charges, Page (not for
HiPath 500), Answer page, Timed reminder, Door ope-
ner, DTMF dialing, Signal key, Room monitor, Hold key,
Internal consultation call , Consultation call, Associated
dial, Associated serv., Tel. data service, Change num-
ber, Discreet calling (not for HiPath 500).