Media Compatibility
Due to the different makeup of CD-R and CD-RW discs, these discs
have different reflective qualities, and can be used with the following
CD-R All CD-ROM drives and CD players
CD-RW Multi-Read and CD-RW compatible CD-ROM drives
Most newer drives are Multi-Read drives which have the capability to
read stamped CD, CD-R and CD-RW discs.
Recommended Media
CD-R: Sony 650 MB and 700 MB CD Recordable disc.
CD-RW: Sony 650 MB high speed CD ReWritable disc.
To achieve trouble free 12× recording speeds, be sure the CD-R
media is certified for 12× or faster recording.
To achieve trouble free 8× CD-RW recordings, be sure the CD-RW
media is certified for 8× or higher compatible high speed
The 1600L i.LINK drive has a mean time between failure (MTBF)
rating of 100,000 power on hours (POH) at 25% duty. 25% duty means
the 1600L i.LINK drive is in actual use a quarter of the time the unit is
turned on. MTBF is an average failure rate based on the total power on
hours divided by the number of drive failures. A failure is any
malfunction of the drive that prevents usage, including failure to power
up, load or unload a CD, and read or write data. Faults are not
considered failures when they relate to incompatible software or discs,
or from mishandling and/or abuse.
Reliability ratings are derived from a large statistical sample, and are
not indicative of the performance of a single unit.