Number of still images and recording time of movies
The number of still images and the length of time for movies may vary depending on the
shooting conditions and recording medium.
• For details on the image size, see page 16.
[ The approximate number of still images (The image quality is [Fine] on
the upper line and [Standard] on the lower line.)
(Units: Images)
• The number of images listed is for when [Mode] is set to [Normal].
• When the number of remaining shootable images is greater than 9,999, the “>9999” indicator appears.
• You can resize the images later ([Resize], page 22).
“Memory Stick Duo” formatted with this camera
128MB 256MB 512MB 1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB
7M 16 37 67 137 279 573 1132 2272
33 73 132 268 548 1125 2223 4459
3:2 16 37 67 137 279 573 1132 2272
33 73 132 268 548 1125 2223 4459
5M 23 51 92 188 384 789 1559 3127
43 96 174 354 723 1482 2928 5873
3M 37 82 148 302 617 1266 2501 5017
67 149 264 537 1097 2250 4447 8919
2M 60 133 238 484 988 2025 4002 8027
111 246 446 907 1852 3798 7504 15052
VGA 357 790 1428 2904 5928 12154 24014 48166
892 1975 3571 7261 14821 30385 60036 120416
16:9 60 133 238 484 988 2025 4002 8027
111 246 446 907 1852 3798 7504 15052