– 23 –
13. To clear the data in overall adjustment mode, set the manual
mode and change the mode number 021 (Res NV) to reset the
NV. (See page 14)
14. When both CD and MO overall adjustments are OK, set the
manual mode and clear the clock data.
For the microprocessor version 1.20 or later, set the mode num-
ber 043 (Resume).
Note: In the mode number 043 (Resume), “Res***” display cannot
be seen because of too fast processing.
If microprocessor version 1.20 or later
r Press the X key, historical data clear
Note:In step 10, set the clock data to 99Y11M11D11H11M00S,
and in step 14, do not set the clock.
LCD display
• Overall MO adjustment items
Item No. Contents
MO electrical offset adjustment
221 Low reflective CD TE gain adjustment
Low reflective CD TE offset adjustment
236 Low reflective CD ABCD level adjustment
244 Low reflective CD focus gain adjustment
245 Low reflective CD tracking gain adjustment
121 MO TE gain adjustment
122 MO TE offset adjustment
134 MO TWPP gain adjustment
MO x2 speed read TWPP offset adjustment
136 MO ABCD level adjustment
144 MO focus gain adjustment
145 MO tracking gain adjustment
434 MO write TWPP gain adjustment
MO write TWPP offset adjustment
436 MO write ABCD level adjustment
445 MO write tracking gain adjustment
MO x1 speed read TWPP offset adjustment
448 32 cluster full recording
141 MO focus bias adjustment
Connection :
Check Method :
1. Select the manual mode of test mode, and set the laser power
adjusting mode. (mode number 010)
2. Press the
. key continuously until the optical pick-up
moves to the most inward track.
3. Open the cover and set the laser power meter on the objective
lens of the optical pick-up.
4. Press the
N key, and set the laser MO read adjustment mode.
(mode number 011)
5. Check that the laser power meter reading is 0.81 ± 0.08 mW.
6. Check that the voltage between TP1001 and TP1002 at this
time is below 44 mV.
7. Press the N key, and set the laser CD read adjustment
mode. (mode number 012)
8. Check that the laser power meter reading is 0.97 ± 0.10 mW.
9. Check that the voltage between TP1001 and TP1002 at this
time is below 44 mV.
10. Press the N key, and set the laser MO write adjustment mode.
(mode number 013)
11. Check that the laser power meter reading is 4.95 ± 0.50 mW.
12. Check that the voltage between TP1001 and TP1002 at this
time is below 80 mV.
13. Press the x key.
14. Release the test mode.
digital voltmeter
MAIN board
power meter
Optical pick-up
objective lens
Between TP1001
and TP1002