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Top page > How to Use the Software > Windows Explorer (Drag-and-Drop) > Transferring
videos/photos using Windows Explorer
Transferring videos/photos using Windows Explorer
You can directly transfer data by drag-and-drop using Windows Explorer on your computer.
Some WMV files can be played back only by transferring using Windows Media Player.
1. Connect the player to your computer using the USB cable (supplied).
Insert the connector of the USB cable into the player.
2. Click [start] – [My Computer] or [Computer] – [WALKMAN] – [Storage Media], and then
select the [VIDEO], [PICTURE] or [PICTURES] folder.
Data hierarchy may differ, depending on your computer environment.
3. Drag-and-drop files or folders into the [VIDEO], [PICTURE] or [PICTURES] folder or one of
their subfolders.
Video files or folders: drag and drop into the [VIDEO] folder, or one of its subfolders.
Photo files or folders: drag and drop into the [PICTURE] or [PICTURES] folder, or one of
their subfolders.
Video/photo files or folders in your computer
Video: [VIDEO] folder in your player
Photo: [PICTURE] or [PICTURES] folder in your player
Do not disconnect the USB cable while [Do not disconnect.] appears on the player.
Otherwise, data being transferred or stored on the player may be damaged. If the player is
disconnected while files are being transferred, unnecessary files may be left in the player. In
this case, transfer usable files back to the computer and format the player [Details].
Do not change folder names or delete the [MUSIC], [MP_ROOT], [MPE_ROOT], [VIDEO],
[PICTURE] and [PICTURES] folders.