Recording starts.
3. Press the
button once more to stop recording.
The recording is saved as a file “VR- nnn-hhmm” (*1) in the [RECORD] – [VOICE] –
[yyyy-mm-dd] (*2) folder.
(*1) File names are automatically assigned to “VR -nnn-hhmm” (VR – serial number – hour and
(*2) Folder names are automatically assigned to “yyyy-mm-dd” (year – month – day). In the case of
subsequent folders created on the same day, an attached folder number (2 to 999) is added after
“dd” of the folder name.
[Voice Recording] screen
(during recording), (during record pause)
Folder name
File name
Codec/bit rate
Elapsed time
Available remained time
The available remained time does not appear if it is more than 1,000 hours.
You can select the recording quality (bit rate) [Details].
To record to a new folder, press the OPTION/PWR OFF button on the [Voice Recording]
screen while recording is stopped, and then select [New Folder] from the option menu. The
next recording is sent to the new folder.
If you rename files in the [RECORD] and [VOICE] folders on your computer, or put files
which have been imported to your computer back into the [RECORD] and [VOICE] folders,
they may become unplayable on the player.
Up to 4,000 files of recorded voice can be recorded.
For the maximum recordable number of voice recording files and folders, see[Details].
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