VAIO Notebook User Guide
Indicator Function
Power Light is green when the power to the computer is turned on.
Light is red in System Idle mode, and flashes red in System
Suspend mode. Turns off when the computer is in System
Hibernation mode or powered off.
Battery 1 Indicates the status of the battery inserted in the battery bay on
the left side of the computer.
Battery 2 Indicates the status of the battery inserted in the drive bay on
the right side of the computer.
Hard disk Lights when data is being read from or written to the hard
drive. Do not enter System Suspend mode or turn off the
computer when this indicator light is on.
Light On Off
Num Lock The number keys in the numeric
keypad are active.
The alphanumeric character keys
in the keypad area are active.
Caps Lock The letters appear in uppercase
as you type. The Shift key
lowers the case of typed letters
when Caps Lock is on.
Letters appear in lower case as
you type (unless you hold down
the Shift key).
Scroll Lock The screen scrolls differently.
(Exactly how it scrolls depends
on the specific application. It
has no effect in many
Information moves across the
display normally.