About the Keyboard
Mute Press to turn off speaker sound. Press again to restore
Volume Control Press to increase (+) or decrease (-) the speakers’
Function The 12 function keys are used to perform certain tasks.
The task associated with each function key varies
between software programs.
Numeric keypad Use the numeric keypad to type numbers or to perform
basic math calculations. Press the Num Lock key to
enable the numeric keypad function. Press the Num
Lock key again to disable the numeric keypad.
Directional arrows The Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys move the
pointer on the computer screen.
Applications Press to display a shortcut menu in certain software
programs. Pressing this key is equivalent to clicking the
right mouse button.
Windows The Microsoft® Windows® key, displays the Start
menu. Pressing this key is equivalent to clicking Start on
the taskbar.
* Use the Stand by button to resume from Stand by mode. Pressing other keys or using the
mouse may not enable your computer to resume normal operation.