Table of contents
About this manual .......................... 4
Chapter 1
Viewing image files
(PictureGear Pocket)
What you can do with PictureGear
Pocket ............................................. 6
Installing ......................................... 7
Installing the PictureGear 4.3Lite
software to your computer ...............7
Viewing image files stored in your
CLIÉ handheld ................................. 8
Transferring image files to your CLIÉ
handheld........................................... 8
Viewing image files with your CLIÉ
handheld......................................... 10
Viewing image files stored in
“Memory Stick” media ................. 13
Saving DSC image files stored in a
“Memory Stick” media to your CLIÉ
handheld......................................... 15
Viewing image files one after
another (Slide-Show) .................... 17
Viewing sample image files .......... 18
How to read the online manual .... 19
Chapter 2
Playing a movie (gMovie player)
What you can do with gMovie
player ............................................ 22
Installing ....................................... 23
Install PictureGear 4.3Lite software
to your computer ............................23
Playing movies with your CLIÉ
handheld ....................................... 24
Transferring movies to your CLIÉ
handheld......................................... 24
Playing movies ................................26
Playing sample movie files ........... 28
How to read the online manual .... 29
gMovie menu items ...................... 30
Chapter 3
Setting the “Memory Stick”
automatic start function
(MS Autorun)
What you can do with MS Autorun
application .................................... 32
Setting Auto-run for
an Application ............................... 34
How to read the online manual .... 36
MS Autorun menu items ............... 37